Quick Start

To bind two windows together:

  1. Activate a window, press ⌃⌥A (Control + Option + A).

  2. Activate another window to bind it with the first one.

Hot Keys

Use these hot keys to quickly set the position and size of windows:

  • ⌃⌥⇤ (Control + Option + Left Arrow): Set window to fill left half of the screen.

  • ⌃⌥⇥ (Control + Option + Right Arrow): Set window to fill right half of the screen.

  • ⌃⌥M (Control + Option + M): Maximize window / Restore.

For more hot key settings, please check the "Hot Key Settings" page within the app.

Add Sub Window to Parent

  1. Activate a parent window.

  2. Press ⌃⌥A (Control + Option + A) or click the "Add" button in the top-right corner.

  3. Activate another window to add it as a sub-window to the parent.

Multiple Parent Windows

If you press ⌃⌥A (Control + Option + A) when the frontmost window is not in any parent window, it will create a new parent window and contain the frontmost window.

Create Custom App

"Select the 'File' menu item, and choose 'Move To Application Folder' to save the layout to your custom application."